2020-2025 electricity default price-quality path
This page was updated1 month ago
On 27 November 2019 we set the third default price-quality path (DPP) for the 17 electricity distributors subject to price-quality regulation.
These price-quality paths will apply for the period 1 April 2020 to 31 March 2025. Aurora Energy is currently on a Customised Price-quality Path (CPP) which expires 31 March 2026. Previously in this DPP reset, Wellington Electricity were on a CPP (expired 31 March 2021) as too were Powerco (expired 31 March 2023).
In July 2021, Centralines underwent a process to become completely consumer owned by changing its trust deed to make all trustees consumer elected. This made Centralines DPP exempt and were no longer price-quality regulated.**
Eastland Network was acquired by Firstgas Group in March 2023, and was subsequently renamed Firstlight Network***.
Distributors subject to the 2020-2025 default price-quality path
This view shows the latest stage in the project. Click on the circled dates to see details. Navigate to other months, or scroll down, to see all stages.
Note: these dates are indicative only and are subject to change.